viernes, 8 de abril de 2022

04/08/2022 - Monthly Newsletter.

I’m working on Alice’s big scene. The scene will be divided into 3 parts, or 3 nights to be more specific, and right now I’m working on the second night. So far I have 14 recorded animations, 14 animations to be recorded and +300 GCs. I planned to work on Daiana’s story as well but I had a change of plans and now that will be postponed for the next update, I hope.

The next scene is mostly the sex scene everyone is waiting for. It has some small event/talks before, in between and after the nights, the so famous boner press being the most important one, but it’s mostly just one long (maybe way too long) sex scene.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

5 comentarios:

    Como siempre la mejor obra con koikatsu manteniendo su puesto

  2. Hi, just wanna say , great stuff xD

    and i want to ask about stuffs , first of all, are you doing monthly updates ? if yes, cool ! looking forward to the next one
    if no, its ok too, better to be satisfied with the updates even if it takes longer.

    2nd , do you have discord server ? if yes , do you mind sharing the link ? that'll be great. if no, its ok , ill pin this blog then

    Thanks and happy working :D

    1. Hi, thanks!

      1. No, I don't do monthly updates. I'd spend more time wraping things up than working in the game.
      2. No, I'm not a discord guy so I never did one.
